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Technique Performance Validation

Providing confidence in your inspection processes

Inspection Performance Validation

How can I be confident in my inspection processes?

In order to truly understand the performance of an inspection process, statistical analysis of large, complex, data-sets is often required.

This may require a skill-set does not sit within your inspection team and it may not be feasible or cost effective to bring these skills in house.

In addition, it is often beneficial to have a third party assessment of inspection performance, whether you inspection is carried out in-house or you use a dedicated inspection service provider, to remove any potential bias and to give you confidence in the results.

How can we help?

01/ Data experts

We are experts at assessing the performance of inspection techniques using statistics and data science techniques, having authored industry leading guidance on the application of these methods.

We apply our expertise to your application, validating the performance of your inspection processes effectively and efficiently.

02/ Fully independent review

We are completely independent, we do carry out inspection and we are not associated with specific inspection service providers.

We work for you to give you a completely unbiased assessment of your inspection performance, giving you results that you can have confidence in.

We are experts at assessing the performance of inspection techniques using statistics and data science techniques, having authored industry leading guidance on the application of these methods.

We apply our expertise to your application, validating the performance of your inspection processes effectively and efficiently.

We are completely independent, we do carry out inspection and we are not associated with specific inspection service providers.

We work for you to give you a completely unbiased assessment of your inspection performance, giving you results that you can have confidence in.