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HOIS Highlights 2023-2024

HOIS Membership Benefits

HOIS Membership

Members gain access to, and have rights to exploit, the results arising from an annual programme of work, currently with a value of over £840,000 (which is increased by additional support from, for example, the Net Zero Technology Centre). The main aim is to achieve more reliable and cost-effective NDT, and hence improved operational safety.

Membership Benefits

  • Assessment of the capability of existing and developmental inspection technologies from independent, rigorously conducted blind trials.
  • Access to HOIS-developed improved procedures and guidance documents on specific NDT applications.
  • Better understanding and increased reliability of inspection.
  • HOIS is recognised by regulatory bodies as a group that helps to develop good practice and improvements in integrity monitoring of energy assets. Active participation within HOIS is an example of working towards the development of standards which Duty Holders must demonstrate to comply with SCR 2015 Regulation 32 – Offshore installations (Offshore Safety Directive) Regulations 2015.
  • Trial results and guidance documents are used by HOIS members to support UKAS ISO 17020 accreditation.
  • The three main HOIS meetings a year (one hosted by a HOIS member) provide an opportunity for networking, where asset operators and service companies meet and exchange ideas and views on NDT needs and developments. This allows operators to be more informed buyers of services and inspection service providers gain insight into operator priorities.
  • Access to the HOIS members only website, which contains all information (reports, presentations etc.) generated since the start of the present HOIS Agreement in April 1999.
  • HOIS members can propose and support projects which address their own inspection challenges.
  • The technical programme is determined entirely by the membership which ensures that HOIS projects are aligned with industry priorities.
  • HOIS is a good vehicle to address technology gaps that need medium term technical development, for which individual member companies cannot justify “going it alone”.
  • Access to over 400 well-benchmarked components with examples of in-service degradation or simulated realistic areas of wall loss, including two ex-service pressure vessels.
  • High level of financial gearing for NDT-related research projects – the ratio is 24:1 for operators and higher for service companies.
  • Access to the HOIS members only website, which contains all information (reports, presentations etc.) generated since the start of the present HOIS Agreement in April 1999.