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ESR Technology Bids Farewell to David Mansfield After 35 Years of Service 

19th July 2024

ESR Technology recently celebrated the well-deserved retirement of David Mansfield, an asset to the company for the past 35 years. David’s dedication and expertise have had a significant impact on the industry, and we here at ESR are all incredibly proud of his contributions. 

Industry-Shaping Achievements 

David’s career is marked by several achievements that continue to influence best practices across the industry. Most notably, he was the lead author of the UKOOA Ignition Model, which has become the industry standard for assessing the likelihood of hydrocarbon releases igniting during onshore and offshore operations. This model plays a vital role in Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRAs) for the oil and gas sector. 

David’s contributions extend beyond the UKOOA Ignition Model. He was also a key author of the HSE Research Report on Managing Ageing Plant (HSE RR823 ), providing valuable insights into ageing plant mechanisms and their management. Additionally, he served as a key technical consultant on the first edition of the UKOOA Guidelines on A Framework for Risk-Related Decision Support (now updated to Issue 2 These guidelines continue to offer practical guidance on decision-making within the context of oil and gas risk management. 

David’s expertise was also instrumental in analysing UK OIR12 (HCR) 1999 data on offshore leaks and ignitions. This analysis led to the development of improved data formats for offshore QRAs. Furthermore, he significantly contributed to the OEUK (then OGUK) Cumulative Risk Guidelines (OEUK’s Cumulative Risk Guidelines), which advocate for effective management of cumulative risk within the MAH process. Building upon these guidelines, ESR Technology’s web-based CORAM (Cumulative Operational Risk Assessment Model) offers a robust and auditable approach to managing cumulative risk in offshore assets. (CORAM – Cumulative Operational Risk Assessment ( 

A Legacy of Excellence 

David’s dedication and achievements have left a lasting legacy at ESR Technology. While we are sad to see David go, we extend our heartfelt congratulations on his retirement and wish him all the best in this exciting new chapter.