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The Importance of High Availability Electrical Systems Running Critical Infrastructure 

25th June 2024

Critical infrastructure, like hospitals, data centres, and power plants, rely heavily on electrical systems to function. Disruptions to these electrical systems can have cascading effects, leading to financial damages, and societal disruption. In recent news, Manchester Airport erupted into chaos as it faced a major power cut, that caused huge disruptions with airlines and luggage operations.  

The recent power disruption that occurred at Manchester Airport has again highlighted the importance of why high availability, reliability, and maintainability are crucial for critical electrical systems. ESR Technology specialises in the assessment of the integrity and performance of new and existing systems through Availability, Reliability and Maintainability modelling. 

Critical infrastructure, like that at Manchester Airport, needs to function 24/7. Identification of design weaknesses provide to opportunities to employ redundancy measures such as backup generators or transferring loads to alternate circuits. Proper analysis and design modifications can minimise downtime, keep vital services running and avoid large financial repercussions.  

When minutes of downtime can be business critical then understanding and mitigating those risks should be a high priority for any such business. ESR Technology routinely carry out ARM (Availability, Reliability and Maintainability) studies, particularly for data centres and other infrastructure requiring high integrity.  We can help during the design of new building services or evaluate the integrity of existing services such as power and cooling. We are experienced in working with clients who demand ultra-high integrity (>99.999%) building services across a range of industries.  

Investing in high availability electrical systems is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation of critical infrastructure. The benefits outweigh the costs, as even a short power outage can have significant consequences. 

You can head over to our Data Centre Availability page for more information or if you require an assessment of the integrity and performance of your systems, then please contact us at for more information.